New Day, New Blog

Thanks to all of you for being such kind followers of The Rock and Roll Mom. Its been a trip, literally. I appreciate all of your kind words and the fact that you have tuned in to read my latest ponderings. It was a great motivation knowing that I wasn’t just writing for myself, or that all my efforts were floating off into thin air.

Its now time to bid a fond farewell to the R&R Mom. She kept me sane. A place I could vent and share over the years during my career in the music business and on our family’s adventure abroad. I’m grateful for all I’ve learned and to have this outlet to just let all the ideas roll.

There’s a new sheriff in town. If the sheriff is a new career path. I’ve started something new. Found is a place for me to chronicle both my love of travel, design, artistry and well, shopping. Please follow along with me over on the new site where I will cover all sorts of beautiful things that we have Found on our travels. I hope you’ll tune in as I embark on my new adventure. In addition to the blog and a pretty new Instagram account, there are podcasts and videos to come.

Thanks, you’re great.


The R&R Mom (aka Mary)

PS here is a little sample of some of the pretty things you can find through Found

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